Recognition is everything right now!

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How often are you checking in with your teams at work, at home and remotely to see how they are going?

How often are you celebrating and recognising their effort?

With teams working remotely, still over 40% of the workforce, people are feeling isolated and ignored. This is when leaders need to really step up and lead, not just manage.

If you are out of sight do you think you’re out of mind? If your team is remote and out of sight does that mean that you can’t check in with them one on one?

Some people love to be recognised and celebrated in public, on stage and in front of the team. This is the #CliftonStrength talent theme #Significance at play. Others hate that kind of spotlight and prefer one-on-one, quiet discrete feedback and recognition. Do you know what each member of your team prefers?

It doesn’t have to be a high five. It doesn’t have to be a pat on the back. It can be a ZOOM call, a text message, a phone call or a post-it note. If you have a particular preference for how you like to receive recognition, chances are that your default for delivering feedback and recognition is the same. But, is it the preference that your team members have?

If leadership is part of your role, either on your title or otherwise, then chances are you’re busier than ever. Chances are you’re managing workloads, strategic direction, COVID, morale, wellbeing, remote work and trying to find time for your own self-care and wellbeing.

Here are a few ideas that have worked for teams around the globe:

  1. Have regular team meeting, in person or online

  2. Have regular one-on-one meetings, in person or online. The local cafe might just be the right environment.

  3. During a meeting, have a surprise birthday celebration when a team member’s special day comes around.

  4. Find out how your team members like to be recognised – the clues are in their Strengths.

  5. Make yourself available.

  6. Be prepared to be the coach, not the boss. Boss to coach is an emerging trend born from the need for employees to feel supported and understood instead of managed.

Need some help getting your recognition plan together?

Get in touch and let’s have a chat.

Photo from by @krakenimages.