The difference between Talents and Strengths — in 60 seconds.

A lot of the work I do is helping people identify their natural talents and then coaching them to turn them into strengths. And I’ve been publishing a popular 60-second video series on each of the 34 talents. Check them out on my youtube channel.

But, what is the difference between a talent and strength? Watch this 60-second video to find out.

Talents are like #diamonds in the rough. Unpolished, a bit rough around the edges but with great #potential. Strengths are like diamonds that have had time spent to hone and polish them.

Gallup defines a Talent as naturally recurring patterns of thought, #feeling, or # behaviour that can be productively applied.

A Strength is the ability to consistently provide near-perfect #performance in a specific activity.

So, how do we get from Talent to Strength?

Well, we invest in it. We invest time, strengths coaching, practice, investigation and development. This simple equation might help:

Talent x Investment = Strength

What’s one thing that you do pretty well, regularly, and can be used to benefit yourself or others?

Would love to hear what you do well. Drop me a comment below.

In the meantime, be amazing!


PS. Click here to learn more about each of the 34 talents or choose from the 60-second videos below.

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