But I don’t have time!


Have you got a list of things that you want to get done?

How many of those things seem to just sneak past you?

The truth is you probably don’t really want to do the work.

“I don’t have time!”

“I don’t have space!”

“I don’t have the tools!”

“I don’t know how!”

“It’s not important to me!”

“I just don’t care!”

Any of these sound familiar to you?

Our little voice loves coming up with all these reasons to stop us from doing something that we probably really don’t see the value in and therefore don’t want to do. Maybe we tried it before and didn’t get a result after one or two attempts.

The trick is to make the activity and process as accessible and as simple as possible. It’s important to set it up for success. And we can apply this principle to anything.

To clean the house, set a time in your diary and play some music to keep your energy moving through the process quickly. Research has proven that we do things better when we play music as long as it doesn’t interrupt our process, such as thinking.

To get some exercise, set it up the night before. Put it in your calendar and get a training buddy if you need the accountability. Find a work out to follow, one that pushes you. A proven plan, as Tony Robbins says, is one of the most important ingredients. Then, just do it! Lots of people complain that they don’t have time or can’t afford the gym. Is the gym the only way? Is getting outside the only way? What if you don’t have a car or it’s raining? Bingo! Little voice steps in and says don’t bother. Obviously there are benefits to both a gym and getting outdoors, but don’t let that be the barrier to getting the task done.

This little floor space in my bedroom measures 1.5m x 2.6m. Not much bigger than the yoga mat. Throw on Mack Newton’s seven minute workout from YouTube and off you go. Seven minutes! I reckon we can all make room for seven minutes.

During Covid, Netflix reported that they gained over 15 million new subscribers within the first month or so. What does that tell you about priorities? We always find times to do the things that we value. And we always find ways to get around the things that we don’t value. The question is, what do you value most? And what things do you need to change to get closer to your goals?  

One of the pillars of our coaching philosophy is Health. We will struggle to achieve our goals in business, career and family if we’re not fit and healthy. It makes the journey so much more difficult. 

Whatever your goals are, work out what process you need to commit to to achieve them, remove the obstacles, and get going.

Happy 7 Minute Monday 😊💪

PS. Not sure where you’re stuck or how to get around it? You don’t have to do it alone, take our free diagnostic and get clearer on what needs to change.

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